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Dragon Ball Free Episodes

Binge on some action

You like free stuff? I love free stuff, especially if its legit and made super convenient. So here's some first seasons of some shounen action anime to get you started one some battle action goodness. What's shounen action, you ask? It's basically what Dragon Ball Z pretty much invented: serialized action stories with escalating power levels where there's always someone stronger!

Anime fans in USA are in for a treat, as Microsoft is offering the first season of classic anime series Dragon Ball Z to download for free from the Windows Store.Watch Goku – the strongest fighter on the planet – as he stands between humanity and villains from the darkest corners of space and travels to distant realms in search of the magic powers of the seven Dragon Balls!Series 1 offers 39 episodes in glorious HD which can be streamed on your phone, PC or Xbox.

Remember watching those episodes of Dragon Ball Z where it'd just be two muscly people straining lasers out of their pores like effulgent sweat and maybe punching each other once before "TO BE CONTINUED" filled the screen? Remember how furious - how powerless - you felt? Take revenge on the past today by getting the entire first series for free, courtesy of Microsoft.

The punch happy action anime that is free for you to download and/or stream are Dragon Ball Z, Fairy Tail, and Yu Yu Hakusho. The "first season" of the anime are available, which is an odd wording since shounen action anime don't really abide with standard 12 episode season "cour" that anime follow these days (except Fairy Tail on here). For more about Dragon Ball click here:

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